Camps are located in Denver, Colorado at Regis University.
***If you register for an overnight camp less than a week prior to its start date, you will receive a room, but we ask that you are patient with housing.***
Refund Policy
The $70 deposit is an administration fee and WILL be kept in every circumstance of a refund request. Please let us know if you need to cancel ASAP. All requests for refunds must be in writing and must be submitted to Regis Volleyball Camp Coordinator with your written notification for cancellation and refund request if camp has been paid in full. Contact the Camp Coordinator by email ([email protected]). This ensures that an electronic time stamp is placed with the request to prevent disputes over when the request was made. Refund Requests outside of 3 weeks: If the cancellation and refund request is more than 3 weeks prior to the start date of the clinic, program payment less $70 (admin. fee) will be refunded. Ex: Program cost $400- $70= $330 refund. Refunds inside of 3 weeks: Refunds requested inside 3 weeks of scheduled camp are granted ONLY for valid medical reasons that would prevent your child from participation in camp and a signed statement from your physician must accompany the written request. Being too tired or having sore muscles is not considered a valid medical reason. Refunds are not given for poor planning, to participants who voluntarily leave a camp for any reason, or who are sent home for disciplinary reasons. In the event of an injury, we still have to keep the $70 non-refundable administration fee.